music of hope
Our Music
Sharing our Music: Our Gift to You
Our Purpose
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Our Lives
Who we Are: Our Mission, Our Ministry
Setting meaningful hymn texts to modern melodies
Setting the timeless truths of scripture to song
Singing, playing and recording these songs to encourage you
A message from Keri,
director and songwriter
We all have loss, pain, grief, stress – many of us are broken and seemingly without hope. God can feel far away, and if He is around, we may doubt He cares about what we are dealing with – a diagnosis of cancer, suicide loss in our family, depression, anxiety, job loss, broken relationships, feelings of having no purpose or direction, worry… where is God in all of this? Add to that the general anxiety many of us have had in the COVID years, or the injustices we see, and division in our country and the world.
Lord, save us!
Through the darkest times of my life, the Lord has given me His words of assurance through just the right soothing song my anxious heart needed at the time. The Lord’s word, through music, has sustained me over and over (I’ve shared examples below).*
Music is a gift that brings me close to the Lord and the Lord close to me. The message through the music brings me peace.
But it’s not all about delivering us from our pain, music is also a wonderful vehicle to express our praise and thanks to the Lord for all He has done.
I pray the music of Alternate Melody – which is based on scripture or compelling hymn texts set to modern tunes – will be used to assure you of the Lord’s love and care in every aspect of your life. I pray it will bring you hope.
Our music is available free of charge. Check us out on the typical streaming services. Also, we have a YouTube Channel (connect on the "Hear Our Music" page). Playlists have been developed to help encourage us where we are - with the assurances we need to hear: Songs of Comfort, Songs to Assure us of God's Love, Songs of Forgiveness and Restoration, and more. Check out the playlist section of our YouTube page. Or just listen to our videos (which are music with lyrics)
Blessings and peace to you,
Keri Jacobs, founder and songwriter - Alternate Melody
*Following are songs the Lord has used to help me through some difficult stages of my life:
when I was the victim of a violent and traumatic crime: “Through it All” by gospel singer Andre Crouch.
when my husband and I were overwhelmed with grief losing two close family members within a few short months: “Psalm 62” and “Psalm 91” by rock singer turned monk, John Michael Talbot. "Wait Upon Me" by Alternate Melody
when a family member struggled with depression and self-injury: “Our Great God” by Fernando Ortega and “Man of the Tombs” by Bob Bennett. "Deus Forte" by Alternate Melody
when I’ve been absolutely overwhelmed with the needs and demands of caregiving for my parents with dementia / Alzheimer’s and my daughter with autism: “My Yoke is Easy” John Michael Talbot, "Cast Your Burden on the Lord" Alternate Melody
when my heart is breaking for the grief stricken families I know through 22 Too Many with military suicide loss: “Beyond the Sky” by Fernando Ortega, “Nothing Ever” by Alternate Melody
when I have lost too many good friends and family members to cancer: "Wait Upon Me" and "Whom Have I in Heaven?" by Alternate Melody; “In Christ Alone”, “The Lord is My Salvation” by Keith and Kristyn Getty.